History of DirectorsThe first director of the chorus was J.A. Breese from 1945-1947.
History of Directors (reverse chronological order): Chris Vander Pas: 2015-present Todd Oxley: 2008-2015 Larry Umbreit: 2005-2008 Nancy Woodruff: 2002-2004 Larry Umbreit: 1999-2001 Todd Oxley: 1997-1998 Herb Berendsen: 1991-1996 Larry Umbreit: 1987-1990 Dave Speidel: 1985-1986 Jerry Berger: 1982-1984 Geoff Arnold: 1980-1981 Dave Speidel: 1979 Roger Von Haden: 1977-1978 Bob Haase: 1976 Dave Gillingham: 1974-1975 Bob Haase: 1969-1973 George “Buck” Lewis: 1962-1968 Ruth Doell: 1961 George “Buck” Lewis: 1951-1960 Barton Lewis: 1948-1950 J.A. Breese: 1945-1947 Under George "Buck" Lewis’ direction, the chorus earned two firsts and four seconds in Class B Divisional competitions. Under Bob Haases direction, the chorus won three consecutive Division II Championships in 1970, 1971, and 1972. Vertical Divider
Chapter Leadership Chapter Roster B.O.T.Y. History Chapter Highlights Chapter Shows History of Directors History of Leadership Chapter Eternal
Oshkosh, Beaver Dam, Berlin, Fond du Lac, Hancock, Neenah, Neshkoro, Ripon, Waupaca, Waupun, and Winneconne, Wisconsin
© 2008-2023 Winnebagoland Barbershop Chorus
© 2008-2023 Winnebagoland Barbershop Chorus