Four of the Winnebagoland Barbershop members began practicing as a quartet in the Spring of 2013 to see how we sounded together and if we could share our music at birthdays, anniversaries, and other events where people would like our barbershop style of entertaining. On the first ballot, Naptime was born. Even though we live in four different towns, for the most part, this has worked out. Our quartet hails from Berlin, Beaver Dam, Winneconne, and Oshkosh. Vertical Divider
Oshkosh, Beaver Dam, Berlin, Fond du Lac, Hancock, Neenah, Neshkoro, Ripon, Waupaca, Waupun, and Winneconne, Wisconsin
© 2008-2023 Winnebagoland Barbershop Chorus
© 2008-2023 Winnebagoland Barbershop Chorus